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Home bred, Fully Health Tested, Working English Springer Spaniel

Nearest Town: Whitchurch



Kennel Club Registered FleekForm Flint available and proven at stud.

Liver(very dark)  & White 

Fully Health tested;
 Current Eye certificate inc Gonioscopy 0, 
BVA scored hips 5/7,
BVA clear elbows 0/0.
DNA profiled via Embark, clear for all testable conditions;
PRA cord1- clear, 
Familiar Neuropathy - clear, 
Canine Fucosidosis FUCA1 - clear,
Glycogen Storage disease type VII - clear, Phosphofructokinase Deficiency, PFK Deficiency- clear,
Shaking puppy syndrome - clear,
Acral Mutilation Syndrome  - clear,
Long QT Syndrome - clear,
Intervertebral Disc Disease - clear.

Flint bucks the saying ''Spaniels die half trained'', he was born trained, insane pace, style and action, fiercly hard hunting, excellent marking ability, naturally steady, silent and has proven himself during shooting seson 2021/22 dogging in as a youth, 22/23 beating all season and 23/24 season picking up on commercial shootdays. Every team needs a dog like this lad. Happy to demo ability to interested parties subject to time of year you can come with use on a shoot day.

At home he settles quickly and loves affection. He is renowned amongst friends for hopping into your lap and assuming the position to be cradled like a baby, where he will stay for hours.

No behaviour issues, no vices. Can be viewed with his mother, litter sister and a daughter.

He has sired a few litters now and in each litter there is a little clone of himself but he does not dominate the litter phenotype or character, it's a good mix to various bitches so far.

Located West Midlands, England. Available for natural and A.I. we use Elite Kennel Fertility, Shropshire frozen semen by request internationally. We are also in Europe frequently so coverings on the mainland may be possible.

NOT FOR SALE, please do not ask. Any other questions, please email.


  • Advert ID: 24065
  • County / Town: Shropshire - Whitchurch
  • Breed: Springer Spaniel - Stud
  • Original Breeder: Yes
  • Pet DOB: 2021-08-21
  • Health Checked: Yes
  • Vaccinations Up to Date: Yes
  • Vaccination Date: 2024-10-21
  • Worm and Flea Treated: Yes
  • KC Registered by Collection: Yes
  • Microchipped by Collection Date: Yes
  • Pet Viewable with Mother: Yes


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