English Springer Spaniel Studs
Nearest Town: Battle
Quincegrove is a small kennel of working and trialling English Springer Spaniels in East Sussex.
We currently have two boys available at stud. Both are reliable, hard working members of my team and can go beating, picking up, or rough shooting as required. They have also both gained awards in water and working tests and been awarded the Kennel Club Working Gundog Certificate on Dummies AND Game.
Sussexoak Cluedo by Quincegrove: 22kg heavily marked Liver and White
Hips 3:5, Elbows 0, Eyes clear Feb 2022, PLA grade 0 Feb 2022, DNA clear Fuco, PRA, AMS, PFKD, DAMS also PP, FN, and DM
Cluedo has produced stylish working dogs, promising police dogs, active pets, and we currently have a pup from him who we hope to compete.
Cluedo is available at stud to bitches with a clear eye certificate and preferably who have been hip scored.
Quincegrove Exit Music: 21kg Nicely marked Black and White carries liver
Hips 7:6 Elbows 0, Eyes clear Feb 2022, PLA grade Feb 0 2022, Hereditary Clear Fuco, PRA, AMS, PFKD also PP, FN, and DM
Cafferty has produced trainable pups for working and active pets home and has offspring training in agility too.
Cafferty is available at stud to bitches with a current eye certificate and who have been hip scored.
We are happy to discuss your breeding plans and love people to visit before mating so they are sure the dog meets their needs.
To avoid wasted time and so the date of whelping is accurately predicted we do request bitches are progesterone tested
- Advert ID: 25647
- County / Town: East Sussex - Battle
- Breed: Springer Spaniel - Stud
- Original Breeder: No
- Health Checked: Yes
- Vaccinations Up to Date: Yes
- KC Registered by Collection: No
- Microchipped by Collection Date: No
- Pet Viewable with Mother: No